Thursday 19 March 2020

World news

Egypt has confirmed that they now have the corona virus with two patients that have died from the virus. The two was a 78 year old Italian woman and a 70 year old Egyptian man, also died in a isolation hospital.
Since the out break has hit Egypt 26  patients has been recovered  from the virus and that they have been discharged from the isolation hospital.
My opinion on outbreak is that since Egypt has the corona virus. They should be really careful of what they touch, they should wear mask wash there hands at all times, move away when people cough and sneeze. they should mostly look after their alders.         
Image result for egypt


  1. Malo / Kia ora e hoa / Hello my friend Junior, How are you and your family? I am not sure how to spell hello in Samoan. Is it "Malo"? Feel free to teach me some more Samoan. I liked how in this blog post about corona virus in Egypt you gave some of the details and then your opinion. I agree with your opinion that they should be careful, wash their hands and look after their elders. I look forward to reading you next blog post! Mrs Gully. (how do you say Goodbye in Samoan?)

  2. G'day Junior, Rhys here from T1. I like how you have done something about a different country, speaking of, why did you do Egypt? Maybe next time you could have gone over your spelling and edited. I hope all is well at your house. Stay safe!
    - Rhys

  3. Kia Ora Junior, Emil here from T1! I thought this blog post was very informative and a good warning for people to start using masks and gloves!

    Maybe next time you could try using a different font or making the text a bit bigger? Where did you get this information? Why did you choose Egypt? Keep up the great work Junior!


  4. Hello Junior
    I am Albin from YMS.

    Your blog was amazing. Those pictures were beautiful. I know that coronavirus is increasing by the minute.

    Any way your blog could have been better if you had added some more facts. And also you could have created a slideshow and put it into your blog.

    Kind regards

  5. Kia ora Junior, It is good to read your opinions on the factual news article. YOur information is well set out and the use of photos adds interest.


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.