Friday, 20 November 2020

Numeracy: Life bills!!

 For the pass the 2 n half weeks, me along with Totara 3 and Totara hub were busy with our pretend life. Meaning we have to endure all the pain that every adult go through... Life bills. At the start of the week our teacher gave two piece's of paper,there was the big paper that includes Debit or pay,credit/I earn/Receive,Balance. Those category of life were the one who will either give us our money balance,paying something like groceries taxes and more,and your income. Our second paper was a very small size that includes creating our family. With those families we also had option of weather having vehicles and pets. 

At first me, starting a new fake life was amazing and got a hold of lots of money,but going through each weeks it started going up and down,until the very end which I became broke and started doing adepts. Through out the pass few weeks this activity taught us how to use money properly and it also taught us that we should be ready and prepared for any problems later on in life.  Money as a Social Technology | The Daily BlogPaper Money Definition

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