Friday, 27 November 2020

Wahine Disaster.


In the pass week our class have been focused and been busy with our disaster task,this task basically is all about New Zealand's history disaster. Each of the disasters had very interesting and sad stories. On our learning task we were told to create a slide show showing disastrous times and events of each disaster.

It took me quit some times to gather together thoughts on which disaster story I should work on,then minutes I finally starting studying on the Wahine disaster. Gathering facts and events of this story was quit an adventurer of sorrow and also interesting details. 

Here's my two day of work efforts of this slide show.

Wahine shipwreck | Christchurch City LibrariesWahine disaster 50 years on: Those who died and a city's memorials | 1966 -1968 | New Zealand Ship and Marine Society


Monday, 23 November 2020

2020 PrEP

 Good morning everyone

In the pass few weeks our entire school has been absolutely busy due to our prep projects,business and communities along with lots of amazing outside jobs. One of the jobs was being a banker all they have to do is count students prep money and hand them their money for market day. Other jobs includes being a warehouse, their duties are to buy items or resources for business groups and then deliver it to them. Their are plenty more than one job in our prep community, for myself I have been busy living up to the duties of a prep police. 

Police Duties.

Prep polices job and duties are to ensure every student is on the right page of work and also to award students with the attitude of being on task and doing the right thing. 

Being a police is also hard to manage due to other students misbehaving and not using manners towards myself and other police, but through time we learnt to cope with it and to continue doing our job.  

On the first market day which was little market it was given notice to all Totara hub that no Totara students were allowed to buy any projects mainly caused by some difficult situation which includes burglary money from the bank. They were allowed to on big market though.

Although it was an unexpected news me doing my job, I was not stopped so dealing with it was a piece of cake. I continued doing my job for little market and saw such amazing projects. After that we all went back to our head quarter and discussed any reports,turns out there weren't any and the pressure was lifted. 

I continued on doing my job for the few days until it reached Friday where all Totara students were finally allowed to buy amazing projects. We started walking down towards the market area and begin doing our jobs,and honestly I was quite speechless of all the well built projects. On that same day I decided to take a break and bought myself a calendar with images of stitch and lilo and bought gifts with lucky candies in it and shaped chalks.     

Friday, 20 November 2020

Iceberg paragraph

Good morning bloggers. 
In the pass week we have been studying facts about icebergs. 
One of the activities that we did including finding out facts about the giant iceberg called A68A which will be sailing towards south Georgia and with the size of an island here's my paragraph


Numeracy: Life bills!!

 For the pass the 2 n half weeks, me along with Totara 3 and Totara hub were busy with our pretend life. Meaning we have to endure all the pain that every adult go through... Life bills. At the start of the week our teacher gave two piece's of paper,there was the big paper that includes Debit or pay,credit/I earn/Receive,Balance. Those category of life were the one who will either give us our money balance,paying something like groceries taxes and more,and your income. Our second paper was a very small size that includes creating our family. With those families we also had option of weather having vehicles and pets. 

At first me, starting a new fake life was amazing and got a hold of lots of money,but going through each weeks it started going up and down,until the very end which I became broke and started doing adepts. Through out the pass few weeks this activity taught us how to use money properly and it also taught us that we should be ready and prepared for any problems later on in life.  Money as a Social Technology | The Daily BlogPaper Money Definition

Thursday, 5 November 2020

Current event quiz. NASA.

 Today our class have participated into another current event quiz which by the way our group has once again got 11 points. Throughout so many of my blog post about NASA discovery one of today current event gave me a shock for minutes or so. It was an unbelievable and a interesting quiz question.

Through out NASA journey out in space with all the planets discovery it was then that all the uncompleted work of discovery has been unsealed,one of the discovery of most planets also includes the moon itself. Scientist discovered the moon in 1610. And with their discovery, they only managed to unseal the surface of the moon and its secret, but later on discovered water of on moon's depths in 18 august 1976, a spacecraft called soviet Luna landed on Mare Crisium. They later on discovered water and then took it back to earth. In February 1978  the team later on published that laboratory analysis of these samples shown they contains 0.1% of water. 

 The Full Moon

Tuesday, 3 November 2020

Te Reo Prepositions

 Today Whaea Katie came and taught us about prepositions which are position words.  We had to make a lide describing where an object is in relation to another object.  Here is mine.