Monday, 7 September 2020

Mussels Facts

 Last week me and T3 dissected mussels in our class for facts and information about these sea creatures and how they survive where they live. Some can be on the shores or in deep water. Not only did we dissect the poor creature but we created a diagram mainly including about parts of a mussel. We learned so many new things about mussels thanks to Mr B. It was amazing learning facts about mussels. As Mr B was teaching us he also explained to us that our specific diagram about a dissected  mussels was also one of our activities on our school camp to Mistletoe bay

Here is one fact.

In order for mussels survive, they must gather food and oxygen from the water. They do this by drawing water in through their in current siphon, moving the water over their gills, and then passing the water out through their ex current siphon.
Here's my groups diagram.

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