Yesterday me and my class have been doing a persuasive writing with an argument about why kids should do athletics.
Here is my writing.
Why kids should do
Hi i’m Junior and today I'm going to be talking about why schools should do
Athletics sports and if your wondering what it is? It’s when you get to do races high
jump and stuff like that . And here are some of the reasons that I’m going to be talking about.
Athletics sport day is great for children because they get healthier
when they play and they get fitter. And you could become stronger.
Having athletics sports is just simply fun for everyone it’s not just
about winning and stuff like that it’s also for you to have some
fun in the outdoors than
just sitting in class and getting frustrated in doing so much work.
It’s good to get some fresh air and hanging out with your friends.
In athletics it’s not just you that's going to be racing and of course your going to be
Having people with you to compete, and not just competitors with also people and friends that's going to be supporting you to just do your best. Some of them will be laughing but not in a mean why like supporting you. And don’t worry you can have a turn and laughing at them too.
Be happy when your doing activities in athletics don’t be sad have a laugh be happy and all good things to make you smile. Don't be paranoid because you have to do it. Just be happy about it some kids out in the world that don’t want to do it and does not do it. Your lucky!
Playing athletics can really be fun so enjoy your time don’t just stand there and do nothing enjoy being around your friends and doing the activities. Enjoy looking at your friends race too.
In athletics its can be really challenging sometimes but it's also good because you get to learn so many new things that you didn't know about your friends and the activities. It can make you sad,mad,cry,happy and emotional. But guess what it's part of life and natural
I love doing athletics its fun enjoyable and challenging and being with my friends for hours and hours. It makes me happy and makes me want to win every activity it's just great for our bodies and our health.
By: Junior Auvaa
