Today our class engaged in another current quiz which took us sometimes to get through. Some of the questions puzzled me and one little quiz question caught my eyes so I thought I should blog about it.
Which country is set to release treated radioactive water from a destroyed nuclear plant into the sea?
the options were... Answer was: Japan
Over the past few years there has been so many examples of chaos in our world happening everyday. One of them includes Japan's nuclear. Fukuyama Japan happened to be affected by a nuclear reactor,which has also affect lots the pacific's sea's and islands by the radiation. The nuclear affected the area of Fukushima since 11 of march 2011 caused by a major earthquake which caused a 15 metre tsunami, disabled the power supply and cooled of three of Fukushima daiichi reactors and that's when the radiation began to destroy lots of Fukushima parts which has also effected all three cores melted in the first three days.
People from Japan and some of the worlds helpers has been preventing the cause of radiation by contaminated water which has since cooled down the destroyed reactor blocks from further meltdown. And it has been currently stores in large tanks but are expected in 2022.